

在汉森, 我们总是向前看, 始终寻求解决客户所面临障碍的尖端解决方案. 我们知道,可持续发展是繁荣未来的关键, 我们相信具有进步思想的年轻人的价值.

无论你是否梦想从事工程工作, 规划, 测量, 信息技术, 会计或业务发展, we have a multitude of full-time and part-time paid internship opportunities to complement your classroom experience.


当你以实习生的身份加入我们,你就成为了我们团队的一员. 作为一家员工持股的公司,我们为彼此的成功投资. Our interns have a seat at the table and a role in the field — top-notch learning experiences in the trenches with seasoned professionals. Many of our past interns have seamlessly transitioned into full-time positions with us after graduation. Read about one of our full-time aviation employees who found a home at Hanson following an internship.

我们在全国各城市都设有办事处, 我们的大多数实习生都可以在他们的家或学校社区或附近工作. Interoffice collaborations offer enriching opportunities to learn about projects in various regions and disciplines. 

汉森大学的实习项目排名第一. 在Vault评选的2022年最佳技术和工程实习中排名第11位! 看看我们实习项目的众多奖项吧 在这里.



汉森的内部结构由六个业务领域组成, which encompass the services we offer to clients and the disciplines that help us staff our projects. 我们的实践领域使我们的员工受益, 让他们扩展自己的经验, 接受全面的指导,并在简历中添加具有挑战性的项目. 总结如下, 我们的业务包括建筑和资产管理, Environmental, 设施, geostructural, 土地开发及运输. Once you’ve explored the options, we invite you to apply to the areas that fit your interests. 我们迫不及待地想听到你的消息!



Professional and technical staff perform 测量 and produce data products for topographic, 边界及路权测量, 以及无人机和地理空间成像和建模, 移动和地面激光雷达测绘.





Environmental科学家和生物学家专门研究当地, state and federal National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental regulations and permitting for primarily public sector projects, 包括交通部门和地方政府.

Environmental科学家, 地球科学家和工程师在当地航行, 州和联邦法规准备和获得经营许可证(废物处理), 废水, 雨水, 空气, 等.) and provide Environmental compliance and remediation support for Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments, 防止雨水污染计划(SWPPP), 泄漏预防控制和对策(SPCC)计划, 场地限制分析调查, 土壤和地下水取样, 污染物的命运和运输模型, 废物管理, 监测井的安装和地下水数据的统计评估.

Environmental科学家和生物学家对此进行了解释, 主要针对私营部门项目的州和联邦许可条例, 包括铁路, 机场、工业和电力客户. 

工程师进行水文和水力模型研究以支持规划, 水坝的设计和许可, 供水水库, 堤防/防洪设施, 桥梁, 道路, 机场和其他水控制和雨水工程.




调试专家, 控制专家和能源工程师提供第三方调试服务, 包括对现有或新的供暖系统进行现场功能测试, ventilation and 空气-conditioning (HVAC); 管道; and electrical systems. They also perform energy audits per ASHRAE standards and provide monitoring-based commissioning and measurement and verification services to our clients across the U.S.

This discipline includes mechanical engineers and mechanical designers who specialize in the design and assessment of HVAC, 管道, 还有新建筑的消防系统 装修/替换. 具体包括暖通空调空侧系统, 包括空气处理装置, ductwork and diffusers; water-side systems, including chilled water and heating hot water central energy plants; and new or replaced building automation systems.

电 engineers and electrical designers specialize in the design and assessment of power, 新建筑照明和低压系统 装修/替换. 具体包括建筑电气系统高达480v/3ph的功率, 包括主配电板, 导管和配线, receptacles and emergency power systems with generators and transfer switches; interior and exterior lighting systems and lighting controls systems; and low-voltage systems, 例如火警警报器, 通信, 中央电视台, 访问控制和专门的视听系统.




结构工程师, designers and technicians design 桥梁 and related structures for both public-sector and private-sector projects. Areas of specialty within the discipline include a focus on roadway bridge structures and rail bridge structures. 典型的工程类型包括地方和州公路桥梁, 跨河桥梁, 桥梁修复和桥梁状况评级.

结构工程师, designers and technicians focus on the design of buildings and other non-bridge structures for both public-sector and private-sector projects. 典型的项目类型包括医院, 教育设施, 历史建筑修复, 法医工程, 可再生能源, 铁路和工业设施以及防洪.

岩土工程师, specialists and technicians specialize in the behavior and understanding of soil and rock mechanics related to public-sector and private-sector engineering projects. 典型的项目类型包括地下调查, 为建筑基础设计准备岩土设计建议, 土挡结构和路面路基以及法医研究.




公民/ sitework
公民/ sitework engineers formulate site development plans; design and model civil/sitework improvements such as roads, 公共设施及雨水服务, 住宅, 商业, 工业用地开发. The 公民/ sitework discipline relates closely with many of the other disciplines and provides the opportunity for a wide variety of project involvement.

航空 is a specialized field of civil engineering and transportation 规划 related to the development and maintenance of 空气port 设施.  航空学科的工作人员拥有各种各样的技能, including the 规划 of 空气field features; pavement design; site grading and drainage and the associated modeling; and geometric layout of the edge lighting, 辅助飞行员在机场导航的路面标志和助航设备. 

水/废水 engineers design systems for the safe production and conveyance of potable water and treatment of sanitary waste to remove harmful substances before returning the water to the ecosystem. 常见的任务包括代码意识和许可证申请, 制定泵和其他机械设备的规格, 储罐的设计及水化学的应用.

土地征用专家评估, negotiate acquisitions and provide relocation services on behalf of our clients for use on public and private projects w在这里 available land is insufficient. 作为过程的一部分, each specialist interacts with the property owners and will assist them with identifying alternative properties for relocation when circumstances or regulations require.




土木工程师计划, 设计和编制城乡道路施工文件, 高速公路和州际公路, 国家和私人客户. 设计方面包括垂直和水平对齐, 几何设计, 十字路口和交叉路口, 路边安全, 行人和自行车住宿, 路面标记及标志, 实用程序的协调, 侵蚀控制和施工阶段. Software including 微型工作站 with Openroads/Geopak or AutoCAD with 民事3D are often used for this work, 其中可能包括现有的和建议的改进的3D建模.

民事 engineers collect and analyze traffic and safety data for use in a variety of traffic engineering studies on projects of all sizes. 研究通常包括对未来状况的交通分配建议, 出发地/目的地研究, 出行需求模型, 微观分析, 检查事故数据, 使用公路安全手册(HSM)预测预期的碰撞频率, 交通影响研究, 几何设计和备选方案分析, 十字路口/立交设计研究及噪音分析. 准备交通信号灯施工资料, 交通信号互连, active pedestrian warning devices and traditional and innovative intersection 几何设计. 工作通常涉及各种软件包, 包括公路容量软件(HCS), 同步/ SIM交通, Sydra, VISSIM, VISSUM, 多维数据集, 微型工作站, AutoCAD和GiS.

土木工程师计划, design and prepare construction documents for a variety of rail clients. 设计方面包括轨道对齐和几何, 分级计划, 排水及公用设施图则, 路面标记, 施工详图, 侵蚀控制和施工分期. 工作通常在微型工作站与Openroads/Geopak完成. 使用带有民事3D的AutoCAD来选择项目.


民事, industrial and mechanical engineers help clients with projects relating to the development of industrial sites. 物流报告是为了:

  • 识别和记录与生产相关的现有物流, 在网站和网络的基础上装载和分发各种产品.
  • 完整的时间运动分析,以满足客户的生产需求,提供各种替代方案.
  • Develop recommendations for improvements to increase efficiency of the logistic product distribution network.
  • Develop new cost-effective concepts to support the logistics of clients on new and active industrial sites and prepare construction documents to implement efficient logistic solutions, 包括轨道对齐和几何, 道路路线和几何, 分级计划, 排水及公用设施图则, 侵蚀控制, 施工细节及许可. 使用AutoCAD与民事3D或微型工作站与Openroads/Geopak进行这项工作.
